Russia fails to launch Angara-A5 launch vehicle once again

Russia failed to launch an Angara-A5 heavy-lift launch vehicle from the Vostochny Cosmodrome on 10 April, with the launch postponed for another day. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet RBC Details: The launch attempt had been made the day before, but just a few minutes before the launch, the commands "abort launch" and "prepare standby for 24 hours" were given.

Apr 10, 2024 - 08:05
Russia fails to launch Angara-A5 launch vehicle once again

Russia failed to launch an Angara-A5 heavy-lift launch vehicle from the Vostochny Cosmodrome on 10 April, with the launch postponed for another day.

Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet RBC

Details: The launch attempt had been made the day before, but just a few minutes before the launch, the commands "abort launch" and "prepare standby for 24 hours" were given.

"Two minutes before the possible launch, the automation stopped the launch process due to a failure of the central unit's oxidiser tank supercharging system. This situation requires the fuel to be drained," commented Yuri Borisov, Head of Russia's state-run corporation for space activities, Roscosmos, on the reasons for the launch failure.

The rocket launch was postponed for 24 hours. Subsequently, Russia's State Commission allowed the spacecraft to be relaunched on 11 April.

Background: The first launch of the Angara-A5 heavy-lift launch vehicle with the Orion booster from the Vostochny Cosmodrome was planned for 9 April but was cancelled at the last minute.

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